Back to School is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

The transition from summer fun days to school time routines can be tough on kids & parents alike. Here are some ways to help make the Back to School transition easier for the whole family.

1. Stay Ahead of the Game

Begin your school time schedule several weeks before the first day of school. Plan for meals to be served at the times your kids will be eating throughout the school year. Also, begin to move bedtime back to their normal school time bedtime so that the early mornings won’t be so tough on them (& you) by the time school begins. You can help your kids calm down earlier by planning special quiet activities to do in the evenings like working on puzzles, reading books, or playing with magnetic tins.

2. Get Some Good Systems in Place

Practice good habits and routines to help make the start of school much easier for everyone. For instance you might choose clothing & pack backpacks the night before to be ready to go in the morning. You can have your kids help pack their own lunches ahead of time…of course they’ll need a cool new lunch bag. Planning meals ahead of time is a great way to alleviate stress throughout the week.

3. Create a Family Calendar A great way to get everyone on the same page & help ease fear surrounding the unknown (aka the upcoming school year) is to create a calendar that all family members can access. For smaller children, you could even utilize pictures to show what they can expect in the week ahead. You can purchase family calendars at your local retailer, find printable versions online or make your own. However you create it, a family calendar is a great tool to keep everyone communicating & accountable.

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Contributed by Stacy Saldana

Kelli's Administrative Assistant & Blogger
